built: 2023.07.08 09:31:13

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x ! 4 uKullbee Sperado 43
{3 2 4 2
flr EPAImn After you perform a r or b action, you may flip your equipped n upgrade card.
w - 4 uTemmin Wexley 53
{3 2 4 3
flb EXAmnt Weapon Hardpoint At the start of the Engagement Phase, each friendly T-70 X-wing at range 0-3 may gain 1 strain token to flip its equipped n upgrade. If it does, that ship gains 1 calculate token.


E 2 Backwards Tailslide While you boost or barrel roll, if your equipped n upgrade has the "(Closed)" side faceup, you can move through and overlap obstacles. After you boost or barrel roll through an obstacle, if you are not at range 0 of it, gain 1 evade token.